
Coach Steve Davis

I’ve been a coach since 200X, and in that time I've coached hundreds of athletes to PB's and age group victories. My coaching can help you get to that next level you have been striving for.

Steve is not a real coach and this is a sample website running on the Training Tilt platform that allows coaches to have a mobile responsive, modern coaching website without requiring the services of a software developer and without the upgrade costs every few years for website upgrades.

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Our Awesome Coaching Team


Steve Davis

Head Coach

A short description of each coach/staff member can go here. A little a bit about their experience and approach to coaching and training.

Jon Barret

Strength and Conditioning

A short description of each coach/staff member can go here. A little a bit about their experience and approach to coaching and training.

Andrea Carlson

Swimming Coach

A short description of each coach/staff member can go here. A little a bit about their experience and approach to coaching and training.

Carol Jones

Nutrition Coach

A short description of each coach/staff member can go here. A little a bit about their experience and approach to coaching and training.



I am a busy Dad and have always struggled balancing work, family and fitness. Steve has really helped me gain this balance by being understanding of my commitments and customizing my training to fit with my busy life.

Mike Jones - Athlete and Dad

I am a busy Dad and have always struggled balancing work, family and fitness. Steve has really helped me gain this balance by being understanding of my commitments and customizing my training to fit with my busy life.

Alex Harrison - Athlete and Dad

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We have a coaching or membership plan to help you meet your goals.